
“I’ve been impressed with the well-honed musical skills
and ingenious songwriting of these two remarkable brothers,
since first hearing them in their mid-teens.
Their songs aren’t bound by the usual constraints,
with clever surprises and interludes and
a feeling of freedom that ‘anything might happen’.
And their agile picking and singing are easy to listen to and enjoy.”
— Pete Wernick

“Holt and Cabe are already such terrific pickers, singers, and writers! It makes me happy to hear them now and I’m excited for the greatness to come.”
— Jim Lauderdale

“Make sure you remember them,
and in all the right ways.
They are talented beyond fair
and clever beyond their years!”
— Banjo Ben Clark

“Holt & Cabe are two talented musicians who are also brothers and wise beyond their years. I had Cabe in one of my mandolin classes at the Swannanoa Gathering a few years back. I could tell from the insightful questions and his ability to quickly play back things that there was a lot going on there. In short order I had him come up to the front and demonstrate ideas, tunes, and techniques. In the evening jams I encountered Holt with his swinging guitar rhythm. We were all fast friends. Since that time I’ve enjoyed seeing them cultivate their talents not only as individual instrumental musicians, but also singers and performers. And hey…they write all their own stuff! Clever swinging tunes that make you think as you listen and enjoy. I hope you will check out Holt & Cabe, and don’t wait till you see them on TV! I wish I could honestly claim to have taught them everything they know, but they clearly were well on their way right from the day they walked in.”
— Don Stiernberg